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The Partnership for Healthy Cities presents news, stories, case studies and accomplishments from cities in its global network, whose leaders have taken on the role of urban health champions.

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Showing results 1-10 - of 205
technical guidance
Partnerships and participation for urban health: policy brief

Source: World Health Organization

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city stories
“There was only space for cars”

Bangkok's Bamrung Mueang neighborhood is making streets safer for pedestrians.

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technical guidance
Innovation for urban health: policy brief

Source: World Health Organization

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technical guidance
Electronic cigarettes: Advocacy Brief

Source: World Health Organization

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city stories
4 cities leading through policy change

Read about more about urban centers preventing disease and injury through public health policy change at the local level.

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press mentions
DBKL, Global urban network exploring tobacco display bans in KL

Code Blue: The Partnership for Healthy Cities is working with Kuala Lumpur to explore a ban on display of cigarettes and tobacco products.

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in pictures
Training market vendors in NCD prevention

Inside Freetown, Sierra Leone's markets, a new healthy food strategy is addressing rising rates of hypertension and other noncommunicable diseases.

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press mentions
Could city-to-city relationships be the key to urban health?

Devex: Bloomberg Philanthropies, Vital Strategies, and the World Health Organization brought local government workers from 52 cities together to share their success and failure stories around reducing noncommunicable diseases and injuries.

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press mentions
"The cost of dealing with disease is growing all the time"

The Guardian: At the Partnership for Healthy Cities Summit in Cape Town, South Africa, Luyanda Majija, Associate Director, Communications, Food Policy Program at Vital Strategies, spoke to The Guardian about how governments must push back against beverage industry attempts to lower taxes.

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