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Each of the Partnership’s 74 cities selects an intervention proven to prevent noncommunicable diseases and injuries—from creating smoke-free spaces to increasing helmet and seat-belt usage on the roads.

Policy Accelerator

A program transforming local policy ideas into action.

Public health areas

Food Policy

Healthier food environments through targeted interventions including taxing sugary drinks; nutrition standards for public institutions; regulating food and drink marketing; and, foodservice policies.

Overdose Prevention

Preventing opioid-associated overdose deaths through the establishment of a naloxone distribution program; or establishing community-based harm reduction services.

Road safety

Safer roads for everyone through speed reduction policies; increasing motorcycle helmet usage; reducing drink driving; and increasing seat-belt usage.

Safe and Active Mobility

Promoting safe and active mobility in urban centers through increased cycling via bike share programs and/or street design; or implementing safe routes to schools.


Enhancing public health data and monitoring systems through a population-based survey of risk factors for NCDs and injuries. Cities are also working on targeted air monitoring to identify important emissions sources and their impact on health.

Tobacco control

Protecting urban residents through best practice tobacco control measures including smoke-free spaces; banning tobacco advertising; and raising tobacco taxes or levies/fees.