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The Partnership for Healthy Cities presents news, stories, case studies and accomplishments from cities in its global network, whose leaders have taken on the role of urban health champions.

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press mentions
“This study indicated that women feel unsafe on public transportation”

Radio Usach: A local radio station interviewed Senior Manager Melissa Cordoba Asprilla about Santiago’s safe and active mobility intervention.

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Córdoba: Canteens from municipal schools must sell healthy products

Cadena 3: The Municipality of Córdoba, through a decree signed by Mayor Daniel Passerini, will implement from 2026 a program to promote the consumption of healthy products in 38 municipal primary schools in the city.

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Four high-performance air quality sensors to be installed in Bucharest

Romania Insider: Bucharest authorities have obtained a grant of USD 50,000 to acquire four high-performance sensors to monitor the air quality in the capital city, mayor Nicuşor Dan announced.

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Op-ed: Making roads healthier for travel

Bangkok Post: The world's cities are growing, and their roadways are becoming overwhelmed.

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Kathmandu metropolis to monitor the city’s air quality

Kathmandu Post: The Environment Department under the Kathmandu Metropolitan City is preparing to start monitoring the city's air quality on its own, with support from the Partnership for Healthy Cities, which has provided portable devices to the city office to monitor air quality.

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press mentions
Advances are presented from the Healthy Canteens program

Infopaís: For its integration into the international network Partnership for Healthy Cities, which has the support of the Bloomberg Foundation in association with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Vital Strategies, Montevideo has been carrying out the "Healthy Canteens" program since 2022.

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‘Healthy Canteen Project’ launched as Colombo city joins prestigious global network

The Sunday Times: Under this pilot project, 10 canteens have been chosen to develop a healthy canteen policy under dietary guidelines with evaluation once implemented.

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DBKL, Global urban network exploring tobacco display bans in KL

Code Blue: The Partnership for Healthy Cities is working with Kuala Lumpur to explore a ban on display of cigarettes and tobacco products.

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Could city-to-city relationships be the key to urban health?

Devex: Bloomberg Philanthropies, Vital Strategies, and the World Health Organization brought local government workers from 52 cities together to share their success and failure stories around reducing noncommunicable diseases and injuries.

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"The cost of dealing with disease is growing all the time"

The Guardian: At the Partnership for Healthy Cities Summit in Cape Town, South Africa, Luyanda Majija, Associate Director, Communications, Food Policy Program at Vital Strategies, spoke to The Guardian about how governments must push back against beverage industry attempts to lower taxes.

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