2024 Partnership for Healthy Cities Summit
Cape Town, South Africa, March 5-8
Taking place in Cape Town, South Africa 5-8 March 2024, the Summit convened public health leaders from more than 50 cities across the globe to discuss how to individually and collectively strengthen the response to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and injuries.
Cape Town Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis joined the event for a conversation on leadership and progress in Cape Town to improve public health.
Noncommunicable diseases – including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases – and injuries are responsible for over 80% of all deaths globally. With the majority of the world’s population now living in urban settings, cities and their leaders are uniquely positioned to transform the fight against NCDs and injuries and reduce preventable deaths by implementing policies that are proven to prevent exposure to risk factors.
The Summit is hosted by Bloomberg Philanthropies, World Health Organization, Vital Strategies, and the City of Cape Town.
Cities play an important role in reducing noncommunicable diseases and preventing injuries worldwide. From road safety to tobacco control, learn more about how three Partnership for Healthy Cities – Accra, Córdoba, and Amman - have implemented effective public health policies to save and improve the lives of their residents.
Mayor Sala Commits to a Healthier, Safer Milan by Joining Global Network of Cities (press release)
Cape Town aims for health equity through Urban Health Programme (press release)
From pandemics to pedestrian crossings: A city’s work is never done (Op-ed by Dr Jeremy James Farrar, Chief Scientist, World Health Organization)
Photographs of the Summit are available on flickr, credit Bloomberg Philanthropies.
Representatives from more than 50 cities joined the second annual event.
Gallery: Explore the work
From training market vendors in Freetown, Sierra Leone to rolling out a new project aimed at strengthening air quality monitoring in Kathmandu, Nepal, click through the gallery to read more about the projects urban leaders will be discussing at the event.
For a full overview of Our Cities' Work, see here.
The global Partnership for Healthy Cities is helping local leaders seize opportunities and implement the most effective public health strategies. Across the world, bold policies and political courage are making important victories in public health possible, and this annual summit is a showcase for the growing number of cities working to save and improve lives.
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